What to Learn From the Non-Converting Customers:
Whether you are running a startup business or a large scale organisation, everybody just hates when it sees its customer with the empty shopping cart. It is a phantom in the digital world that holds severe punishment for the sales agents and conversion optimisers to improve, re-improve and keep on taking actions that could reduce the increasing flow of rejection for the shopping. Regardless of whatever steps do we take to lessen such effects, is there anything in the shape of valuable information that we are missing?
When the customers prefer not to buy, there are several reasons behind it. The points that I am going to discuss here will not eliminate the abandonments. Instead, all we would come to know will be about the factors that can increase the website traffic and the galling customers that do not seem to convert into a permanent clientele.
What The Purchase Cycle Actually Is: Have you ever think why customers do not turn their shopping planning into a purchase is because they may seem unable to move to the right point of the purchase cycle. Customer buying cycle is a process that he/she unconsciously or consciously considers when considering for purchase. Basically, there are five stages involved in it. Firstly, whether the customer is aware of its needs; secondly, when the customers make price comparisons by considering various places from where they can buy the desired products or services; thirdly, the point where the clients make the safest and best decision as to which products or services should they buy. The cycle is not limited to these points, but on the basis of them, the customer makes decisions and gain experiences regarding the services they receive and even plan for the future purchases.
Remember that a customer would always be at one stage at a time, so from this point, we can come to know whether it will be a converting customer or not. It may happen that a non converting customer at this stage might become a converting client in the near future since it is probably going through the conception phase at this time. Keep in mind that there are many customers who don’t seem to buy at the initial stage, but gradually, they appear in the category of returning customers.
Higher Web Traffic Doesn’t Indicate Higher Sales: The businesses that are offering digital marketing and search engine optimisation services, when ordered higher web traffic, began to hustle to try to get everything magically, even the web traffic. Numerous techniques like link building, content marketing, social media optimisation techniques, etc. are used to gain positive results. As a consequence, KPIs get improved and traffic began to increase, but still, there is no significant rise in the sales volume. Remember that higher traffic is superb, but it never guarantees the immediate higher sales.
What Is Actually the Search Query: While surfing the internet, the results that we get are primarily based on the search queries we use. Neither all the search queries are created identically nor do all have the same intention. It is not essential that every visitor that visits your website would be a converting customer. Generally, there are three types of queries; navigational, transactional and informational. The navigational information refers to those queries where the prospective clients are not intended to purchase anything, rather they are doing a pre-purchase research.
Transactional queries are created when customers have an intent to buy from the website so these are the converting customers, while the informational queries are the ones in which the customer(s) only need information. They may not be converting customers, but can represent the large amount of web traffic. Keep in mind that every search starts with an intention. With the above three queries, different ways can be created to increase the conversion rate of the customers.
Why Enhanced Conversion Is Important: Converting the prospective clients into a permanent one is really important for every business. This can be achieved through the process in which thorough research, analysis and optimisation techniques are used to convert non converting traffic into the converting one. To enhance the sales, your site should be much useful for the clients and search engines.
Who Are Your Customers and What They Do: Try to discover who the real customers of your business are and what they actually do. To increase sales, one of the best way is to recognise your clientele. You must have the expertise to read the customers’ minds. Since your products or services are unique, so as your clients. Try to sell the products and services to the relevant customers. Your marketing decisions would only bring fruitful results when you will select the right targeted market.
Discover Who Your Competitors Are: In case if your customers are not getting converted, then try to find the websites from where they do shopping. The best way to make permanent customers is to analyse the competitor’s website and use exactly the same tools and techniques that they are using. Such techniques can enable you to put your website or business in the competition landscape.
Why Your Website Needs Testing: During design or development process, several bugs may be left that may create a hindrance for the search engine bots to crawl the website. Give a thorough testing to the website to discover if there is any bug so to fix it. The moment you make changes to the website, you will see a drastic change in the traffic – a change that can bring profitable sales. In fact, non-converting customers are your real asset since they are the ones that tell you what is working, what’s not and how to fix the issue.