How to Revolutionalise Your Blog Into SEO Machine?

Let’s consider that you have celebrated some special occasion of your life, but didn’t get enough invitees. Why? Probably, you would not have sent enough invitations to the people or maybe you had not made up enough efforts in this regard. Where it seems ideal for occasions, the same is the case with a business blog. Do you think that any of the readers would show interest in a blog that is not interesting in reading? Likewise, if you do not put effort and time in a blog, no reader would ever show its interest in it. Due to lack of our efforts, more than 80 percent of the blogs get inactive as a result of no traffic or fewer readers. Remember that whatever the situation may be, all this depends upon how you promote your blog or invite readers to participate in your blog activities.

Creating one blog post does not ensure that it would generate traffic and bring desired results. Making your blog post reachable to the targeted audience requires some effective methods like getting it shared on the social media, using an email marketing strategy to disseminate newer posts, creating awareness for the blog via purchase of Facebook or Google advertising technique and using latest practices to optimise the blog via search engine optimisation.

If you want to make your blog internationally recognisable, you need to adopt the strategies that could convert your website or WordPress blog into the search engine friendly traffic generation tool. All of these tools are free and only require your time and effort. Some of them are as follows:

Get A Good SEO Plugin Installed: One of the most popular and widely used plugin employed by SEO experts is the WordPress SEO by Yoast. Just installing this plugin won’t be enough for you since most SEO personnel stop at this stage. To gain maximum advantage from this plugin, you need to understand how exactly it works, how can we use it and how to choose the right keywords for this plugin.

Make A Thorough Keyword Research: To make your keyword research efficient, you need to move to the Google Keyword Popularity Tool where you would spend some time in keyword research and analysis to get a better understanding of the keywords that can bring the maximum traffic. Selecting an appropriate keyword is not difficult at all. What you have to do is never make assumptions as to which keyword would work best. Instead, do a thorough research on the keywords to ensure which ones are the most popular or frequently asked on the serach engines. Choose the keywords that best match your products, services or the blog post.

Using localised keywords such as “web development services at Nadvertex” instead of “web development” would help in getting a good ranking on the search engines. The use of such keywords will also benefit us in terms of more potential clients while bringing the targeted readers to the landing page.

Creating a free account on Adwords and then finding the keywords that are mostly used as queries can also produce drastic results. Likewise, adding a city or state will help you in finding the local search results for review and give ideas for writing the new blog posts that most people search for.

Select Appropriate Keyword and Use It In Title, Permalink and First Sentence: If you are using a WordPress, ensure that the page URL you have selected should be your post name and the keywords must appear in it. To gain fruitful results in SEO, this is the most important step that must never be overlooked. The field named “SEO Title” must include the heading that you have selected for the blog post and is appearing in the permalink. The area “Meta Description” must not be left empty and may be filled with the first sentence of the blog post. Remember to use the keyword in the meta description to get better results in the search engines. Use as many relevant “Meta Keywords” as possible so that your visibility can be increased to the maximum extent against the keyword(s) that readers mostly typed as queries in the search results. Never forget that your keywords must appear in the body of the blog post while it should be appropriate and relevant.

Make sure to offer numerous ways with which the interested readers can subscribe. In case you are unable to convert your subscribers via RSS or email or the prospective readers are not getting your newer posts on the social media, the chances are that they won’t return to your blog. Remember that a well written blog post may bring new readers to your blog post for once, but not again and again. Implementing the latest SEO strategies can help you in bringing your potential readers time and again.