10 Errors That Every SEO Expert Should Avoid In Blogging:
Running a successful blogging campaign in terms of increased visibility and traffic is the dream and desire of every online business. Currently, search engine optimisation (SEO) is widely used by every business owner. Implementing the SEO strategies in an appropriate manner always leads to fruitful results. Optimising the website is itself quite complicated since Google uses and works with various algorithms. These algorithms, when ranking any web page or website, takes into account numerous factors, while they keep on changing the algorithms.
In the domain of SEO, there are so many mythologies that it is really difficult to determine what actually is true. However, there are some common mistakes that must be avoided when planning to run a successful blogging campaign, some of which are as follows:
Link Acquisition: Businesses that base on short term results or the ones that are already famous prefer to buy the links, but don’t know how much bigger risk they are taking. Most of the paid links are usually flagged by Google’s search engine experts. A question may arise how the Google bot can come to know about those links? To a surprise, Google’s bot comprises a unique team at the company that searches for the questionable links every day. For instance, if you have ever paid a few hundred pounds to get the paid links that could point your website and have been posted on the same day, chances are that some of the links have been flagged by Google as “irregular linking activity” or “irrelevant links” by the Google Penguin. It is appropriate to use the relevant links and instead of using the same anchor text everywhere, mix them up a little bit or use long tail keywords.
Content Duplication: Using the same content over numerous websites is termed as content duplication and is often penalised by Google Panda. Numerous bloggers try to target the same topic with the alteration of quite similar keywords. Such kind of activities including creating a different page for each individual keyword doesn’t create much value for the website. One of the best techniques to avoid Google penalty is to write a meaningful content for any one keyword in which it is completely elaborated so it can strengthen the blog post.
Page Rank Tracking: “Behind every successful man is a woman” – a common saying, likewise a website’s success is heavily backed by the page rank. Remember the better the page rank, the higher you would appear in the search engines and hence, the more traffic will come to your site. Page rank tracking is only one metric. There are two hundreds of indicators that are used to crawl or rank the website. Tracking ROI, relevancy and analytics are the other factors that must also be considered as they have been recommended by Google.
Empty Title Tags for Automation: One of the most important elements of SEO is the title tag that must never be left emptied when it comes to search engine rankings. Too long title may not be displayed completely in the search results. Instead, a short title of not more than 60 characters would be more appropriate. Your primary emphasis must be on the optimisation of title tags that can be achieved by using the standard Google tool that is Google Adwords. This tool helps you to check your popularity and possibility of the targeted keyword and lets you decide whether it should be altered or not for a better placement in the Google results.
Sacrificing Content Appearance: Blogging is the primary ground from where a business can gain success. Publishing the blog post without using the appropriate design is just like dumping your content into the waste basket that nobody would ever want to see. Remember that an alluring design always attract the prospective clients for your website. Avoid using too many images or graphics as this may overcrowd the blog page and increases its loading time. Increased time in page loading prevents the search engine bots from crawling the desired blog pages at the faster rate.
Use of Free Hosting Blogs: Free hosting blogging sites like Type Pad, Blogger, though provide the best platforms for blogging, but do not offer options to install the themes or extensions that you actually need for higher SEO results. There is no lengthy process. You only need to register your domain and purchase an affordable hosting plan. Depending upon the plan, you will be provided info as to when the charges would be paid in the future. Getting such an independence can reap profitable results.
Keyword Stuffing: Keyword stuffing is one of those common errors that are usually practiced by most bloggers. It’s unethical and affect the search engine rankings. In case you have numerous keywords that you want to rank, create a unique page for each keyword individually and optimise them according to your plan. Generating useful blog pages for each keyword would help you to get a better ranking on Google.
Content Shortage: Most blog posts comprise short content that is usually rejected. Too short blog post damages the reader’s loyalty and prevents the search engine to give a higher ranking. Use of 400 words or more than this is ideal for the ranking in the search results.
Inappropriate SEO: Optimising the blog post does not involve only one method, rather numerous techniques are involved in it. Link building is only one element that can point to your post. SEO is such a vast field that every day, newer points or techniques can be learned. Remember that your optimisation knowledge must be up to date and this can be achieved by reading the latest articles or guidelines published by the Google authors.
Ignoring of Alt Tags: Though much emphasis is not laid on the Alt tags by the Google’s CEO, yet search engines like Bing, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, etc. do. A picture or image when uploaded on the web page or blog post and tagged with some keywords is optimised in a much better way and gives improved results. Remember to name the image file with your keyword and then see how your blog is optimised. Correcting these mistakes and many others like generating and updating sitemaps, use of 404 pages, grammatical error free content, etc. enhances the overall experience of the readers and helps you to beat the competition.